Friday 26 August 2016

My first ever... Pregnancy & Miscarriage :`(

The IVF Stimulation done in Sep’15 was my 3rd attempt. Mostly, after every stimulation, if there is no Fresh Transfer done in the same cycle, Fertility Experts give your body a good 1.5 months of resting time. After the stimulation, I was on Tab. Primolut-N (twice daily for 7 days) and Tab. Cabgolin (once a day for 10 days) to normalize the hormones and put an end to all the chain reactions resulting from overworked Ovaries and all other organs involved.

After I got my period in Oct, I was put on Tab Ovral-L for 21 days and was asked to come back only on Day2/3 of Nov's period. This waiting time could be very tricky, depends how you tackle it. I chose to be positive and prepare myself for a good news. I utilized these 40-50 days to re-arrange my closets, cabinets, etc. I made all comfortable clothing handy, being super-optimistic. I worked out well and ate healthy food too; although I eat healthy food all the time but I added more nuts, fruits and greens in my diet.

I got back to Nova Bangalore in Nov’15 and was prescribed Tab. Progynova, Estrodiol Gel, Inj. Susten and Cap. Susten with a strict routine and timings to follow. Dr. Rashmi added an Intralipid Infusion on the day of my Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET).
My beta hCG Test was due 14 days post FET. ALAS, IT WAS A POSITIVE RESULT! Repeat test confirmed my pregnancy, although the values weren’t doubling as expected. I got other necessary blood tests done, as directed by Dr. Rashmi. First time ever, I got Gestational Age (GA) mentioned on my file… First time ever, my tears weren’t of pain and sorrow but of joy and happiness. As per my Expected Delivery Date, I should have delivered a baby by now, Aug’16, but it was a short-lived moment of happiness. After my second endovaginal (EV) sonography, my doctor was tensed. She directed me to get a more detailed Early Pregnancy Scan done by an expert. Unfortunately, by then I had some bleeding and Early Pregnancy Scan showed an empty sac :`( Also, beta hCG done on the same day showed a dropped value. 

My First Pregnancy became a miscarriage :`( :`( :`(

OPU and Embryoscope done by Dr. Rashmi Yogish at Nova Bangalore

I got 18 oocytes picked-up in Sep’15, out of which 12 became zygotes (10 were Normal, 1 Abnormal and 1 Degenerated). We used Embryoscope in order to pick the best embryos to use; it is a time-lapse system for observation of embryo development under necessary physiological conditions required by a living embryo while they are in the IVF laboratory. This service was offered at Rs.15000 in Sep’15. Each DS sample came for a price of Rs.5000.

Since we were using ADI/DS, we used two different blood group samples instead of the universal "one sample" rule. That idea was Dr. Rashmi Yogish’s… I told you, “she knows her stuff really well”.

Out of 12 zygotes, 11 were observed under Embryoscope for at least 5 days. Nova Bangalore did share a video with us, showing the growth of each zygote for 100 hours in a fast-forward mode. 4 embryos were cryopreserved (3 were Day-5 and 1 Day-6), which were of Cavitated Blastocyst (CB) & Hatching Blastocyst (iHB) cell state. Two cryotops were used to store the two blood types separately.

I was given a month’s break to get my hormones back to normal state, skipping a Fresh Transfer in the same cycle. Next month was action-packed.                                              

Thursday 4 August 2016

And I am back after a short break

I am sorry that I stopped telling my story at a very crucial juncture. I had my reasons to go on a break, which lasted a few weeks longer than expected; will update about it later. I shall be regular now on. 
